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How psycho-active is Delta 8 THC in comparison to Delta 9?

Delta-8THC comparison to Delta 9, Delta 8 THC is psychoactive, but only about half as psycho-active as Delta 9 THC.

Is Delta 8 THC effective in treating cancer and epilepsy?

Delta-8THC comparison to Delta 9, Delta 8 THC does not have much of a presence in our cancer cells. However, I would like to make a point here that the human body does not want to use the THC that is in a cancer cell. THC helps to make cancer cells die, and the body does not want this to happen. If Delta 8 THC helps a person dealing with cancer, it is usually because it is interacting with one of the cannabinoids that are already present in the body.

The human body has an endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is in charge of getting rid of cancer cells, among other things. So, it is possible that Delta 8 THC may be helpful to a person dealing with cancer. This has not been verified in any clinical studies.

We do know that Delta 8 THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is why it may be helpful against epilepsy. The endocannabinoid system plays a large role in our neurological system.

Delta-8THC comparison to Delta 9

What is the difference between Delta 8 THC and other phytocannabinoids?

The THC that is found in the cannabis plant is actually made up of a mixture of phytocannabinoids. The phytocannabinoids that are commonly found in the cannabis plant are Delta 9 THC, CBD, and CBG. Delta 8 THC is a minor constituent of THC.

Is it possible to isolate Delta 8 THC?

I have not seen any studies towards isolating Delta 8 THC. I would imagine that it is possible to isolate Delta 8 THC from Delta 9 THC. The chemical similarity between Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC is very high. However, the difference between them is that Delta 9 THC is one of the most psycho-active components of the cannabis plant. So, I think that it would be more valuable to study Delta 9 THC because of the potential medicinal values.

Is Delta 8 THC illegal?

No, Delta 8 THC is not a controlled substance.

Is Delta 8 THC listed on the FDA’s approved medications?

No, Delta 8 THC is not an FDA approved drug.

How is Delta 8 THC ingested?

Delta 8 THC should be able to be ingested and inhaled just as Delta 9 THC can be ingested and inhaled.

Why are there so many unanswered questions about Delta 8 THC?

There are not many studies on Delta 8 THC. I believe this is because CBD and CBG have more potential medicinal values than Delta 8 THC. Also, I believe that the government has not fully funded any studies on Delta 8 THC, CBD, or CBG.

What should be the future research for Delta 8 THC?

The future research for Delta 8 THC should be on isolating Delta 8 THC, and studying what medicinal values it may have. Studies should be done to find out how to isolate Delta 8 THC from Delta 9 THC and other cannabinoids. There should also be some studies done to find out what medicinal values Delta 8 THC may have.

There should be some studies done to find out why Delta 8 THC has a lower psycho-activity and the difference between CBD and CBG. CBD and CBG are not psycho-active, so why is Delta 8 THC psycho-active? Should there be more research on the medicinal values of CBD, CBG, and Delta 8 THC compared to Delta 9 THC?

What should people interested in Delta 8 THC research further?

People who are interested in learning more about Delta 8 THC should research the differences between Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC. They should also research the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system plays a large role in our neurological system. More can be learned about the endocannabinoid system by studying the other cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids.

The endocannabinoid system is in charge of getting rid of cancer cells. This is another area that can be researched. Delta 8 THC may be helpful to people who are dealing with cancer.

I believe that the least studied topic with Delta 8 THC is the interaction with the endocannabinoid system. So much more can be learned about this interaction.

Is Delta 8 THC legal?

Delta 8 THC is not a controlled substance.

Is it legal for me to own and use Delta 8 THC?

Yes, Delta 8 THC is legal.

What is the legal status of Delta 8 THC?

Delta 8 THC is legal.

Is Delta 8 THC legal in all 50 states?


Is Delta 8 THC legal in any country?

Yes, Delta 8 THC is legal in every country.

Does Delta 8 THC have any medical use?

Yes, Delta 8 THC does have some medical uses.

How psycho-active is Delta 8 THC in comparison to Delta 9 THC?

Delta-8THC comparison to Delta 9, Delta 8 THC is only about half as psycho-active as Delta 9 THC.

Is Delta 8 THC effective in treating cancer?

Delta 8 THC does not have much of a presence in our cancer cells. However, I would like to make a point here that the human body does not want to use the THC that is in a cancer cell. THC helps to make cancer cells die, and the body does not want this to happen. If Delta 8 THC helps a person dealing with cancer, it is usually because it is interacting with one of the cannabinoids that is already present in the body.

The human body has an endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is in charge of getting rid of cancer cells, among other things. So, it is possible that Delta 8 THC may be helpful to a person dealing with cancer. This has not been verified in any clinical studies.

We do know that Delta 8 THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which is why it may be helpful against epilepsy. The endocannabinoid system plays a large role in our neurological system.



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